Keep your cash safe with efficient cash handling system solutions from Security BIS - SecurityBis

Keep your cash safe with efficient cash handling system solutions from Security BIS

Cash Handling

With the number of cash-in-transit (CIT) robberies increasing, Security BIS offers industry solutions and technology to help protect your cash.

Security BIS’ technology integration is key to a successful, intelligent, turnkey solution for all cash handling businesses. The solutions allow businesses to monitor all their devices and technology on one platform in a centralised location with real-time reporting and alerts.

The intelligent product range is extensive and well suited to achieve results for any application.

AxxonSoft VMS technology 

Using AxxonSoft’s latest VMS technology, Security BIS securely monitors and integrates CCTV (mobile or static) and access control systems to protect and prevent loss at cash counting facilities and ATMs – all from one central location or disaster management centre.

Asset-tracing technology

Available in three sizes, this technology can be hidden anywhere, unlike conventional tracking units. It is wireless, self-charging, and can be used for:

  • CIT vehicles to monitor location, speed, or geofencing routes before departure and deviation alerts.
  • Tracking cash boxes with four geofencing functions for each unit.
  • Cash-handling machines to monitor and track locations and tampering via third-party devices.